That was the year that the Paul E. Saperstein Company was established.
One of the benefits of being in business since that date is that we’ve been through many economic cycles.
We know all too well how circumstances can change from one week to the next.
We believe that the quality, integrity, and responsiveness of any successful company begins with its people. Although our corporate location is following the Governor’s mandatory closings, our staff is still available during regular business hours working remotely. We continue to employ our whole staff ensuring that their salaries and benefits remain intact during this uncertain period.
The easiest way to contact us currently is through email.
We are proud of our stability in the industry and attribute our 57 plus years of success to our strong commitment to long-term client and customer relationships.
How are we doing business these days?
Well, like most of you, we are on a take-it-day-by-day basis.
Right now…we are following the Governors’ protocols.
Real Estate auctions will be postponed until public gathering restrictions and/or federal foreclosure restrictions are lifted.
Any personal property auctions will be handled exclusively with online or telephonic bidding. Private inspections will be made available.
We are arranging each auction individually as we take into consideration each client’s specific needs.
We value your relationship with us and we will overcome this temporary situation together.
Please stay safe.
Our website is updated regularly.
This is the most reliable way to find updated auction information.
Real Estate Auctions Personal Property Auctions